Natural Cleansers for the Body You’d Be Glad to Know About

Natural Cleansers
Natural cleansers for the body help in rejuvenating the body and releasing all the toxins present in the system. Here are a few natural cleansers for your body to make it as fit as a fiddle.
Exposure to pollution, poor eating and drinking habits leave a huge amount of toxic deposits in our body. It makes the body weak and lethargic. In our hectic lifestyle, getting rid of toxins in the most difficult thing to do without the help of natural cleansers. These, cleansers are effective in more ways than one. Body cleansers are the regular herbs that we use in our kitchen, to add a flavor to our food. Learn how these body cleansers can help you revitalize your body.
Cleansers for Colon

Natural Cleansers

Psyllium Husk
Refined food items, unhealthy lifestyles and chemicals lead to mucoid plaque in the colon, which stick to the colonic walls. This creates a dark and moist environment in the area, which allows bacteria and viruses to breed within the system. However, this problem can be solved by natural cleansers for colon. Psyllium husk is the most commonly used herb for colon cleansing. This herb stimulates bowels, eradicates constipation, thereby helping the body get rid of the bacteria.

Natural Cleansers

Tea made with Triphala
Triphala is a condiment, which is used for cleansing the colon. For colon cleansing, you have to change your diet and add a lot of fruits and vegetables to your daily meal. The fiber in the vegetable and fruit juice helps in bowel movement too. Flax seeds are good for colon too. Colon cleansers are readily available in the market. However, do consult a doctor before trying out the colon cleansers.
Cleansers for Face

Natural Cleansers

Yogurt and Honey
Natural cleansers for face can be made easily with basic products from your kitchen. For dry skin, try a mixture of 1 tbsp of oatmeal, 1/2 tbsp of honey and 2 tbsp of yogurt. Apply the solution for 15 minutes once a week and see the wonder yourself. Natural cleansers for oily skin include making a mixture of 1 tbsp of oats, 1/2 tbsp of honey and 3 tbsp fresh lime juice. Apply the mixture on your skin in circular motion. Do this once every week to get rid of the extra oil on your face.
For tightening your skin, add some mashed tomatoes to your skin and keep it for 20 minutes. Rinse well and watch your skin look younger within minutes. Before you apply any natural cleansers for the skin, make sure you’ve done a patch test to ascertain that you are not allergic to it.
Cleansers for Hair
The root cause of bad hair is unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits. Natural cleansers for hair help in restoring the lost shine and strength to your hair. First, include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, honey and milk in your diet to have healthy hair.

Natural Cleansers

Lemon Juice
If you have oily hair, lemon juice will work the best for you. Apply lemon juice to your hair and leave it in for about 10-15 minutes. Then rinse your hair with Triphala powder which cleans your hair thoroughly. Lemon juice is also excellent for getting rid of dandruff.
If you are suffering from hair loss, then include juice made up of extracts of various leaves like, lettuce and spinach in your diet. Massage your hair roots and scalp with the tips of your fingers daily after a bath as it improves blood circulation and prevents hair loss. Coconut oil is also known as one of the best natural cleansers for hair.
These cleansers, simply put, are the herbs, extracts, condiments and spices that we eat and many times neglect. A balanced diet is the secret for keeping the body healthy, fit and fine. However, modern lives don’t leave much scope to worry about our bodies. The simplest trick for a clean body and healthy living is to add these cleansers in our diet.