Skinny Detox Tea

Skinny Detox Tea

3 Huge Fat Burning Benefits To Help You Drop 10 Pounds Fast!

Skinny Detox Tea

Hi Victoria!

Recently, I had a DEXA scan analysis ordered by my doctor to find out the density of my bones in order to make sure I am not losing bone mass. My bone density was fine, but it revealed that I am retaining water. How could this be when I struggle to get at least 64 ounces of water in daily? It also revealed that I have more body fat than I should have, along with a higher than normal BMI. What can I do to lower my body fat and BMI? What’s the difference anyway? I need to lose about 10 pounds and fast because I have a wedding to attend at the end of August. What do you recommend I do to get this fat off?



Skinny Detox Tea

Hi Arabella,

Whew! You’ve given me a mouth-full of questions, and thank you so much for reaching out! I totally understand your concern! Girlfriend, it’s scary to have results that you’re not sure about especially when they are not explained at the magnitude that you need them to be. Let’s answer your first question: Water retention in itself isn’t harmful, BUT, if it is caused by the following, then you may have reason to be concerned.

Skinny Detox Tea

The Dangers of Water Retention 

In most cases, fluid retention does not cause serious problems. There are numerous reasons why you could be retaining water. It can be caused by the sodium in foods in the foods your are eating, it could be caused by the weather (warmer weather and humidity can cause water retention).  

Another reason could be due to eating too many starchy carbohydrates. Carbs like bread, potatoes, rice, etc., can cause your body to hold on to excess water. Only rarely is it caused by medical conditions such as heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney failure, premenstrual syndrome and preeclampsia (a harmful condition in late pregnancy).

Skinny Detox Tea

Solution: Drink plenty of water daily. The recommended amount is 64 ounces at least and more if you are active. For more information read this article here.

Skinny Detox Tea

Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss

In regards to your excess body fat and higher than normal BMI, the most trusted measurement and one that will create the best results and reverse adverse medical conditions is to focus on fat loss vs. just weight loss and BMI. BMI is the ratio between your height and weight and does not take in consideration your body type and lean mass.

When you focus on weight loss, you are following a generic diet plan that may not provide you with the right amount of protein you need to keep your muscle which will allow you to burn more fat. Why do you want to burn more fat vs. just losing weight? Because when you lose weight, you are losing your muscle, bone, water, and organ tissue. When you lose only fat, you keep your muscle. Muscle is thin, but dense and heavy and takes up less space in your body. Also, muscle is what burns fat. Fat is huge and fluffy making you look big. When you lose only fat, you look smaller than the number on the scale. For more information on this, you should check out this program.

Skinny Detox Tea

Get A Friend To Lose With You!

The best way to stay motivated as you lose 10 pounds fast, is to get a friend to go along with you on the journey! Having someone do it will you will help you not only stay motivated, but will create accountability, it will make it more fun, and you can coach and support one another.

Skinny Detox Tea

Losing 10 Pounds Fast! 

As mentioned, it is more important to lose body fat. Losing 10 pounds can be done fairly quickly with the right exercise and diet. Having too much body fat can cause:

  • arthritis
  • gallstones
  • heart disease
  • high blood pressure
  • liver disease
  • osteoarthritis
  • osteoporosis, or fragile bones
  • sleep apnea
  • type 2 diabetes

To lose 10 pounds fast, you must eat at least 90-100 grams of protein daily, eat lost of low glycemic foods, drink plenty of water, and exercise daily (at least 5-6 days per week) with a regime that includes cardio and weight training. In addition, what helps you lose the excess water weight is drinking at least 1 cup of my Skinny Detox Tea!

Skinny Detox Tea

Here’s why I created my Skinny Detox Tea!

Releases Water Retention – It will help reduce excess water weight. It can help improve your body fat % because it help with appetite and helps to stabilize glucose levels preventing weight gain. 

Helps To Lose Weight – It helps to get you not only in a healthy fat range, but will help you get to a healthy BMI. By helping to stabilizing appetite, improving your immune system with antioxidants your body is provided with added nourishment to help your body no turn carbohydrates to fat as fast as it would without my tea. 

Helps To Burn Fat – When your blood sugar is stabilized, you can lose fat easier. You know you are losing fat when the scale isn’t moving much but you are losing inches, especially on your waist. 

The most important thing I want my readers to know is that losing weight is great, but why lose weight if your skin is going to get lose and saggy? What use is losing weight if you are not healthy or feeling and looking years older?

Real health is NOT looking and feeling your age, or what society says you should be feeling at your age. Dump those guidelines and go with maximum health and energy!

Skinny Detox Tea

What I Don’t Like About  Average Skinny Teas

The one thing I absolutely hate is any tea that claims it will help you lose weight, but after drinking it, your have abdominal pain and cramping. I had a client who told me she spent hours in the emergency clinic after drinking a diet tea. Her stomach cramped so much and she had so much pain that she couldn’t rest, lay down, focus…you should NEVER feel pain due to drinking a skinny tea. The tea has an herb that stimulates your intestines to release body waste and involuntary stimulation always hurts.

With my Skinny Detox Tea, it is formulated to help improve your health by giving you nutrients that help you to eliminate toxins naturally. I’m not a big opponent of pharmaceuticals and other medications. I believe that nature has provided us with all we need to be healthy and whole and that’s what I make sure all of my products provide you with.

Skinny Detox Tea

Here is why so many people LOVE my Skinny Detox Tea!

Customer Reviews

This Detox Cleanse Tea is great!

This Detox Cleanse Tea is great! It has a wonderful aroma, and tastes just as great! I have it just as directed right after getting up in the morning before I start my daily morning jog. Not sure if it helps with my workout, but I definitely do feel better and energetic later in the day!

This stuff works!

This stuff works! It has definitely boosted my body’s digestive process which was the main reason why I decided to try this out. Another benefit from this tea was the energy increase I received. It has only been a few days but I will def be buying more.

I live by this tea!

I live by this tea! This is the first thing I drink every morning and it really curbs my appetite – plus, it tastes absolutely amazing! I would buy this again!

Best Quality.

I don’t normally write reviews but, this stuff deserves one. Not only does it do what it says it will, it tastes great! As with anything in life you have to do your part but, this helps. It helps me to lose 4 pounds in 1 week. Will drink it every day even when weight goal has been achieved. 9 to go.

Workshop Groupie!

Workshop groupie! I love their workshops, they are a blast. I have the cellulite cream but never tried the tea until last week. . And btw..Amazon has the best price. I really like the gentle cleansing it does. No diarrhea or cramps like some others. I find good vibes knowing that I am helping m body’s organs and that it’s not about just weight loss but about being healthy and preventing possible health problems in the future. I do exercise and follow a Keto diet so I didn’t buy this expecting to drink it and just magically lose weight.

Four Stars

Does not have you running to the bathroom great for celluliteD

Highly Recommend

Great product! Did a 7 day cleanse with it(currently on day 6) and am down 5.5lb! Tastes great! Try adding lemon, love it.

Great detox tea!

Great detox tea! It smells and tastes delicious! I look forward to seeing results!! I received this product at a discounted rate in exchange for an unbiased and honest review.

Energized and in Control

As an emergency nurse, my days are very long and stressful and the stress keeps me from losing weight because stress produces cortisol. I found that drinking the skinny tea each morning helped improve my energy level while keeping me calm which helped reduce cortisol and I was able to lose weight more easily and it takes my cravings away.

Skinny Detox Tea

Drink My Skinny Detox Tea!

Why? Because EVERY ingredient included in my tea is designed to totally help you get the best body ever! The ingredients act as a natural diuretic, and will help you improve your immune system and help improve and speed up your metabolism and much, much, more!  The most important ingredients in regards water retention are Organic Rose Hips!

Organic Rose hips can help you release extra water weight easily and naturally. No more tight rings, swollen ankles, puffy feet, and awful stomach bloat! Research has shown that rose hips can help you shed not only water weight but belly fat too! It helps your body clear glucose better and inhibits fat accumulation while stimulating fat burning allowing you lose weight faster. Rose hips help to decrease stress hormones, and more.

Beauty Fit Detox Skinny Tea

*Reducing Excess Weight and Helps Burn Fat

*Slims The  Waist , Release Excess Water Retention 

*Reduces Toxins & Cleanses the Colon 

*Improves Skin

*Works Great on Lower Ab Fat

*Cleanses the Liver and has

*Most Potent Tea on The Market with 8 Powerful Organic Herbal Ingredients!

*NON, GMO, No Pesticides, No Sugar, Cruelty Free, Recyclable Bag!

Skinny Detox Tea

BONUS- 14 Days + 7 More FREE! Plus you get Victoria’s $99.00 A Quick Start Diet E-Book With Recipes as a bonus if you buy your first now.

Beauty Fit Detox Skinny Weight Loss Tea

If you want to detox and cleanse your body of toxins excess weight, cellulite, sluggish digestion and improve your energy level, you will love our tea.

When our women’s figure & bikini competitors, men’s physique, fitness models, moms and dads are ready to detox, cleanse, get healthier, clear up their skin, and drop some weight, our eight organic premium blend herbs in our exclusive formula total body detox and weight loss tea is their only choice. How about you too? Your body deserves the healthiest and the best.

Yes, they have to strut on stage, or pose for the camera and even do South Beach or Brazil photo shoots, but most important is they have to have energy, get rid of excess bloating, and keep regular and be healthy so they feel and look amazing.

Our happy Hourglass ladies love this formula because it helps them get their waist skinny without giving them an emaciated look. They love using it in the morning before they eat and then they dab on some Slim & Tone Extreme Slimming Cream and put on their waist trainer and Bam! They are ready for the gym, running errands and even a night out dancing.

Our tea is to help you regenerate from the inside out so that you get healthy glowing skin, get rid of harmful dangerous toxins, lose excess water weight, beat bloating and helps with constipation and digestion without cramps. It is a complete formula that is yummy and completely effective. It is blended fresh before we ship so you can be assured it is made with pure organic ingredients and is in full effectiveness mode when it hits your tummy!

Skinny Detox Tea Weight Loss Waist Slimming, Diet Tea, Belly Fat, Fat Burner, Liver Cleanse, 8 Powerful Ingredients, 14 Days + 7 More! + Quick Start Diet E-Book With Recipes!

Remedies For Water Retention And How To Lose Weight Faster

When our women’s figure & bikini competitors, men’s physique, fitness models, moms, and dads are ready to detox, cleanse, get healthier, clear up their skin, and drop some weight, our eight organic premium blend herbs in our exclusive formula total body detox and weight loss tea is their only choice. How about you too? Your body deserves the healthiest and the best.

Yes, they have to strut on stage, or pose for the camera and even do South Beach or Brazil photo shoots, but most important is they have to have energy, get rid of excess bloating, and keep regular and be healthy so they feel and look amazing.

Our happy Hourglass ladies love this formula because it helps them get their waist skinny without giving them an emaciated look. They love using it in the morning before they eat and then they dab on some Extreme Slimming Cream and put on their waist trainer and Bam! They are ready for the gym, running errands and even a night out dancing.

Our tea is to help you regenerate so that you get healthy glowing skin, get rid of harmful dangerous toxins, lose excess water weight, beat bloating and helps with constipation and digestion without cramps. It is a complete formula that is yummy and completely effective. It is blended fresh before we ship so you can be assured it is made with pure organic ingredients and is in full effectiveness mode when it hits your tummy!

Skinny Detox Tea



  • SKINNY DETOX TEA WEIGHT LOSS: Our yoga tribes, athletes, moms, bikini and figure competitors love this tea. It’s the most advanced formulation on the market, beats bloating and is perfect before a special occasion to get in perfect form and great after to undo celebration over indulgences! Formulated to pump up your weight loss and jump start your total body detox. All at the same time. Flatten your belly, improve your skin, release excess bloating and water retention without diarrhea!
  • MORE WEIGHT LOSS: Created by a highly coveted tea master (ie:master chef). It has 8 pure highly effective premium blend organic herbs in a great natural blend that can aid in healthy digestion, remove toxins associated with viruses, bad bacteria, skin outbreaks and dimply fat cells. A potent detox and an amazing restoring of the immune system all in one. Clean your colon, detox your liver, stimulate your metabolism, clear out toxins that can be a breeding ground for parasites, step up lipolysis (Fat Burning)
  • MORE FOR LESS and SMOOTH AS SILK TASTE: WOOHOO! You get a14 day supply plus 7 more free. BARGAIN BABY! YOU GET MORE FOR LESS! It takes 21days to make a new habit! When you cleanse with this UNIQUE FORMULATION, your metabolism is boosted and your energy increases. This tea is a TRADITIONAL ROCKIN TASTY BLEND OF EIGHT100% Natural organic herbs: Organic Holy Basil, Organic Spearmint, Organic Rose Hips, Organic Lemon Myrtle, Organic Linden Blossoms, Organic Ginger Root.
  • CLEAR HEALTHY SKIN IS BEAUTIFUL: the ingredients in our detox tea are some of the best for detoxing your body which helps to clear your sin. It is chocked full of skin regenerating and smoothing herbs that can help you get rid of breakouts, acne and other skin disorders. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, so you can see how cleansing and detoxing can also clear up your skin. Our formula is the best for this. BEST SKINNY TEA EVER SUPER TRAINER: This formula is from Victoria’s Body Shoppe Celebrity Trainer and DVD Queen, with over ten million sold, Best Selling Fitness & Weight Loss Authority.
  • This BEST EVER SKINNY DETOX & WEIGHT LOSS TEA is the same formulation she gives to her elite clients, athletes and stars around the world. If you don’t agree, send it back and get your money back or get another one because you just can’t live without feeling calm, healthy and cleansed from the inside out.
  • LOVIN’ IT or RETURN IT! When you drink this body shaping tummy flattening belly fat attacking organic tea blend and find yourself “not lovin’ it” like our other body slimming, waist trimming tea addicts, then send it back and get your money honey! We only want happy healthy Quick Start Getting Healthy And Stay Healthy and Fit Tea For Life drinkers!

OMG! Thank you so much for hanging with me girlfriend or Bro-Friend! Now that we have your amazing body plan all worked out so you can lose 10 pounds fast, click here, to get started with Skinny Detox Tea and your best body ever!




Skinny Detox Tea

