Weight Loss For Men

Weight Loss For Men

10 Foods To Blast Belly Fat Fast! 

Weight Loss For Men
Feeling older, have less energy, and noticing your performance is almost history? Excess belly fat can ruin your health and your wellbeing. Try these 10 foods that can blast belly fat fast! Keep reading…

Boost metabolism, libido, testosterone levels almost instantly! Your couch is NOT Your friend! Wake Up to more energy, sex drive, better health, and a better mood! Find out how you can drop the pounds and the fat pants! 

Weight Loss For Men

10 Foods To Blast Belly Fat Fast! 

Weight Loss For Men

Hi Victoria,

My name is Paul and I’ve been battling belly fat for years. I’ve followed my doctor’s advice by eating less and walking, over the past few months, but I am not seeing the results I was expecting. I’m over 50 years of age, I don’t have a lot of health complications, but I was diagnosed as pre-diabetes (,y blood sugar was up on my latest blood test), I have high cholesterol, and I take BP meds. I do go out a couple times a week for dinner and have a couple of alcoholic drinks. However, would this impact my results? how can I change my lifestyle so that I can lose my excess belly fat and still enjoy life?

Sincerely ~ Paul

How Celebrities Lose Weight Fast!

Hi Paul,

When it comes to men’s fitness I’m the one they call on! Working with Nike endorsed athletes like Michael Jordan and Shakeel O’Neil, golf pros, and many other popular professional athletes, I know what men go through in regards to health challenges at all ages. There are several things that can help men who are trying to get rid of belly fat. Over the past 3 weeks, one of my personal training clients lost 10 pounds of belly fat by drinking my Japanese Matcha green tea! It’s a powder that he added to hot water for a traditional cup of hot tea, or to his protein shake to add fat-burning power! He is amazed by his increased energy, improved mood, and how he has to get rid of his “fat pants”. There’s so much to learn about how to blast belly fat, so make sure you read to the end so you get all the juicy details! Let’s get started.

Weight Loss For Men
Back pain and sciatica problems are caused by the excess belly fat that causes an unnatural curvature and puts pressure on the spine and nerves that cause pain. Losing belly fat will help. Keep reading to find out more…

Causes of belly fat

In order to understand how to lose belly fat, you must learn what causes belly fat. There are two kinds of belly fat.  A hard belly is caused by a high accumulation of visceral fat which is located behind the abdominal wall which surrounds the organs.  The abdominal wall is made up of harder tissues which include muscle. This is the reason why the belly will feel and look hard.  Visceral fat has more access to the blood supply because of where it is located in the abdomen. This can be a risk factor for heart disease. A huge concern is that visceral fat produces hormonal and inflammatory molecules. The body becomes inflamed and the metabolism suffers when there’s more fat stored around the visceral organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, and intestines. Inflammation is at the root of most diseases.  Signs of visceral fat include expanding of the waist as well as protruding bellies.

Weight Loss For Men
You don’t have to be stuck with a Dad-Bod! Get rid of your big belly for good. Read more on how to do it…

Why is it hard?

As men age, they’re more likely to develop big bellies. After age 40, the natural reduction in testosterone means excess calories are often stored as visceral fat. Aging also makes you naturally lose muscle mass. Muscle keeps your metabolism burning at a solid rate. When you lose this muscle — about 1 pound per year after age 30 — your metabolism declines, and it becomes easier to gain fat, which often goes straight to the belly in men.

Weight Loss For Men
Reducing only 5% of your body weight, your risk of heart disease decreases, sleep is better, and you’ll have more energy.

The Dangers of Belly Fat- The Second Type Of Belly Fat

Sporting a “Dad Bod” may seem popular, but it’s a very dangerous comfortability that men can not afford. According to the American Diabetes Association, having a waist measurement of more than 40 inches for men is very dangerous. As discussed earlier, visceral fat is the most dangerous, but having what is called subcutaneous fat which sits under your skin is the second type of fat. This is the fat on your arms, legs, and hips. This fat isn’t as dangerous but is still affecting your health by causes low energy and making you less attractive. This type of fat affects your self-esteem and can damage your emotions and how you feel about yourself.  Let’s admit it. A healthy body weight is more attractive and can make you feel better about yourself outside of all the known health benefits.

Weight Loss For Men
Who needs to spend tons of money on fast food and drinks out at the bar? Dump the bar scene and go less often. Cook your own food and save on money and high sodium. You’ll save money, time, while looking better!

Causes of Belly Fat

There are a lot of reasons why you may have belly fat. The first cause is diet. A diet low in fiber and high in sugar is the main culprit. Processed foods and eating out often can cause belly fat. Foods lacking nutrition (junk foods) and an over-consumption of alcohol can also create belly fat. Lack of physical activity and stress are also part of the causes. Men with a lot of belly fat as they age will see a different type of belly fat occurring. The belly fat actually becomes HARD!

What Causes A Hard Belly?

A large belly can be soft or hard. In a large, soft, belly, the fat is subcutaneous fat. This fat is soft and is under the skin not behind the abdominal wall. Fat accumulated behind the abdominal wall is visceral fat. Men who have large, hard, belly usually have low testosterone levels. When testosterone levels drop, fat cells become larger. The abdominal wall is made up of harder tissues which include muscle. Visceral fat isn’t hard, but because there is such a large accumulation of it, it pushes the hard abdominal wall out making it appear as if the fat is hard.

Weight Loss For Men
Chronic stress is the cause of weight gain for many men. Anxiety, a short temper, moodiness, and lack of energy are some of the signs. Mediation is very simple and only 5 to 10 minutes of this practice can help calm your mind and help you to relax.

Stress Another Cause Of Belly Fat

Job, family, relationships, traffic, you name it. There are many things that can cause stress in your life. It’s how your body responses to it that are important. One way your body responses to stress is by producing large amounts of a chemical called cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is produced when the body interprets stress as something that can cause bodily harm to you. For example, if someone or something like a wild animal was to harm you, cortisol kicks in and helps you get out of the situation fast. But, most often, the stress you deal with daily isn’t as severe as someone trying to hunt you down. But, your body doesn’t know the difference between stress caused by a traffic jam keeping you from getting to work on time, or a wild lion getting ready to eat you. Daily stressors not dealt with over time can cause weight gain. It can also prevent you from losing weight. There are ways to reduce stress. Exercising is one way. Listening to calm music, prayer if you are religious, and meditation has been known to help people deal with stress.

Weight Loss For Men
Make losing weight a family affair. When you have the support of your family, everyone is on board with healthy eating, exercise, and making better food choices.

How Can You Get Rid Of Belly Fat?

One way is to make a decision that you will do it. Making a decision to just do it, even if you are not sure you have the willpower to change is a stronger force then willpower. The first thing you can do is to start moving your body. Even if you have a joint problem, move anyway. Get in the pool which is great for anyone with a joint problem. Enlist your family because you will need their support and everyone needs to move. Starting to change your lifestyle by beginning with movement is easier than changing food habits. Once you start moving, you will see the benefits and you will see your weight drop without changing your nutrition and this will motivate and inspire you to keep it up. After movement is incorporated, start making small changes to your diet.

Get Rid Of Belly Fat With Strength Training

Strength training has an amazing benefit! It raises testosterone naturally! You will start seeing the belly fat melt away with weight training. If you are not sure what to do, there is someone at every gym who will help you get started as part of your gym membership. It’s best to know how to weight train properly and it’s important that you have good form to prevent injury. Add walking or another form of cardio to strength training and you have a perfect belly fat burning physical activity combo.

Weight Loss For Men
Don’t be afraid of lifting weights. Strength training helps to balance your hormones. Testosterone is increased with every session. Increased testosterone helps to burn more belly fat making losing weight easier.

Eat These 10 Foods To Lose Belly Fat Fast!

Weight Loss For Men
The avocado is actually a fruit. But, it’s considered a healthy fat. It’s low glycemic, meaning its low in carbs and helps to add flavor to your food and can replace fats like mayo and butter.

1. Avocado

Low-calorie, vitamin-rich and chock-full of important nutrients that can shrink your waist, vegetables are a dieter’s best friend; but you won’t get much benefit from a garden salad without adding a little fat, researchers say. And when it comes to fat, the type found in avocados reigns supreme. In one study, published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, researchers fed participants salads topped with saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat-based dressings and tested their blood for absorption of fat-soluble carotenoids—disease-fighting compounds associated with improved weight and fat loss. The result? Veggies topped with monounsaturated fat required the least amount—just 3 grams—to get the most carotenoid absorption, while saturated fat and polyunsaturated fat dressings required higher amounts of fat (20 grams) to get the same benefit. Another study in the Journal of Nutrition found that adding avocado to salad allowed participants to absorb three to five times more carotenoids. Give your greens the ultimate nutrient boost with a dollop of flavorful guacamole, a few slices of fresh avocado, or a tablespoon of avocado oil-based vinaigrette. Those dressing-on-the-side folks don’t know what they’re missing. Red Meat

Weight Loss For Men
Studies have shown Omega 3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation in your body, helps to improve your cholesterol, and provides high protein without a lot of saturated fat.

2. Fatty Fish

If you are suffering from excess belly fat, you may want to increase your fish oil intake. Fish oils contain a fatty acid known as omega-3 which cannot be produced by the body and must, therefore, be taken in through food. Omega-3 has a range of health benefits and may help against inflammation, coronary heart disease, cancer and also helps increase overall fat loss, even though no supplement specifically targets the belly.

Weight Loss For Men
Spinach is full of potassium, low in calories, and versitile. You can eat it fresh by adding it to salads, eat it cooked, or add it to your favorite protein shake.

3. Spinach

The American Council on Exercise refers to spinach as the “epitome” of health food, but it is so low in calories and so rich in nutrients. Dr. Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., a clinical nutrition specialist, in his book “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth,” lists spinach among the very best, most healthy foods you can eat. A single cup of spinach has 200 percent of your vitamin K daily requirement. Vitamin K helps your bones absorb calcium. Spinach also has large amounts of folic acid, manganese, magnesium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C. Spinach is also a food source for quercetin, a strong antioxidant that can prevent your low-density lipoprotein cholesterol from being oxidized and clogging your arteries. Quercetin may also decrease your risk for heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Weight Loss For Men
Of all fruit, berries have the most fiber, lowest calories, and the most antioxidants. Its antiaging power will give you tons of fat belly burning energy.

4. Berries

Eating berries can help reduce belly fat. You have to watch portion size, but berries are high in antioxidants which help to decrease inflammation. Another benefit is that berries are lower in sugar and high in fiber. Fiber helps escort excess belly fat out of your body. In a medical study, rats who were fed blueberries had lower belly fat than the rats who weren’t. Eating blueberries can help reduce insulin resistance.

Weight Loss For Men
Mushrooms are famous for its ability to burn visceral fat. This is the type of fat that is behind the abdominal wall and the fat that causes the most disease. Load up on this fungus that’s low in calories and high in flavor.

5. Mushrooms

These delicious fungi are especially great for burning fat because they’re the only natural plant source of vitamin D–a nutrient essential to absorbing calcium. One 3-ounce serving of Sun Bella mushrooms is all you need to fulfill your daily value of vitamin D! People with low levels of vitamin D have been found to have more fat, especially abdominal fat. They also are a good source of potassium, a powerful muscle mineral that can also help to lower the risk of heart disease and hypertension. They also contain 80-90% water weight, which will make you feel fuller longer. They have B vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid, which help to provide energy by breaking down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Researchers estimate that by simply substituting mushrooms for ground beef in one meal every week, you can lose five pounds in a year without other changes.

Weight Loss For Men
Apples are a great snack and can be eaten on the way home from work because it helps to decrease your appetite and has over 100 different phytochemicals to reverse age.

6. Apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, goes the old adage. But did you know that apples can also keep excess pounds away? Apples contain pectin, a type of dietary fiber that limits the amount of fat our cells absorb. Pectin is also known to make you feel fuller and for a longer time, so you will eat less during the day. On top of that, apples have a low-calorie count compared to many other foods. In case you are still not convinced of the power of an apple, know that apples have over 200 phytochemicals your body needs to repair, heal, and rejuvenate your body as well as improve your immune system.


Weight Loss For Men
There are so many people who are overweight that don’t eat enough vegetables. The RDA recommends at least 7-9 servings of vegetable daily. A

7. Green, Leafy, Lettuce

Dark, green, leafy, lettuce is a low-calorie food that can be used as a basis for light, delectable salads. But it does not always have to be iceberg lettuce! Romaine lettuce offers a multitude of benefits to anyone wishing speed weight loss and trims the tummy. In addition to being extremely low in calories, it is supercharged with many important nutrients. It is a good source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin K, folate, and manganese. It is also one of the best dietary sources of chromium. Research suggests that chromium may help increase and maintain lean body mass and aid in fat loss when combined with exercise. These effects of chromium on body composition are believed to result from its ability to enhance insulin’s activity and to improve insulin sensitivity in the body. The absorption of chromium from romaine lettuce is believed to be particularly good because of the vitamin C it contains. Vitamin C in romaine is known to enhance the absorption of chromium.


Weight Loss For Men
Tuna has almost NO fat, is a good source of Omega 3, and is high in protein. It’s also low in calories and very inexpensive. Tuna steaks are great on the grill!

 8. Tuna

Fish, especially tuna,  is a great source of protein which helps with fat burning. Tuna is an excellent addition to the diet for people who wish to lose extra pounds around the waistline without compromising muscle growth (important if you are aiming for six-pack abs!).  You can treat yourself to fresh tuna steaks! They are wonderful and are very filling. They have less fat than beef and fewer calories too. If tuna steaks are not available, eating tuna in a can is a good source of fat burning protein too. Each can of water-packed tuna contains about 33 grams of protein and no fat or carbohydrates. In comparison to fat and carbohydrates, protein has a very high thermogenic effect (20-30 percent), which means that the body burns a significant share of the calories provided by a protein-rich food, such as tuna, in the process of breaking down and digesting the food.

Weight Loss For Men
1 cup of broccoli has 5 grams of protein, it’s a good source of fiber, helps you to stay full, helps improve digestion, is low in calories, and is a belly fat fighting food.

9. Broccoli

Broccoli has protein! 5 grams per cup! Broccoli is also very filling, yummy with the right kinds of seasoning, and great any time of day. Add to an omelet or just enjoy raw as a snack. It is considered a superfood. Broccoli is very low in calories and contains less than 1% fat. Furthermore, broccoli is a concentrated source of vitamin C. It is also one of the best dairy-free sources of calcium (although your body can only absorb about 60% of the calcium in broccoli, that is still a decent amount). Finally, broccoli ranks low on the glycemic index.

Weight Loss For Men
Become a mean, green, belly fat fighting machine! Matcha Green Tea smoothies taste surprisingly amazing because when adding fruit it’s sweet, provides tons of antioxidants, and helps to burn more fat.

 10. Matcha Green Tea

Green tea has been known for years to help burn belly fat. It is due to the catechins – phytochemical compounds that appear predominantly in green tea – which has this ability.  In one clinical trial, 132 overweight or obese adults were given either a beverage containing approximately 625 milligrams catechins and 39 milligrams caffeine or a beverage containing the same amount of caffeine but no catechins. All subjects were requested to follow a similar diet in terms of caloric intake and to exercise at least three hours per week. During the twelve week trial period, both groups lost weight; however, weight loss was more pronounced in those who consumed the catechins and those who were given the control beverage. Furthermore, the group who received green tea catechins experienced a much greater loss of subcutaneous and visceral abdominal fat. The effects of green tea catechins on body composition are believed to result from these substances’ ability to increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation. Matcha green tea is like regular green tea on steroid! It has the 100x the power to burn more fat and has more antioxidants too. In powder form, it can be easily added to protein shakes, healthy dessert options, and more.

Best Matcha Tea Powder Fat Burner Flow State Energy Mood Brain Food Memory, Focus Paleo Ketogenic Glycemic Diets Antioxidants Includes $19 Superfood Organic Matcha Tea E-book Free!

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Includes Superfood E-book HOW TO DIY GUIDE gives you recipe ideas, how to use it, how to store it when to take it for maximum results and much more.

Weight Loss For Men


  • The Best-Kept Secret Of The Ages! Pure Superfood For Maximum Performance In Every Area Of Your Life.
  • Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder Is The Best New Brain Hack That Helps Improve Memory And Concentration.
  • Great For Working On Tasks, Projects, Studying, Test Taking And All Sports. Increases Endurance And Stamina.
  • A Must For All Athletes, Whether You Are An Olympian, Tri-Athletes, Footballer, Tennis Player, Runner, Bodybuilder, Fitness, Bikini Athlete, Model, And All Competitors.
  • Non-Jittery Like Coffee. Just Steady Energy That Makes You Feel Really Good. It’s Kind Of A Really Cool “I Got This” Kind Of Power.
  • Enhances Your Focus, Concentration So That You Can Stick To It Until It’s Done.
  • Low Calorie, Good Glycemic Great For Ketogenic And Paleo Diets. Silky Smooth And Rich In Vital Anti-Oxidants For Superior Health! Order Now!

FDA Statement –These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat or replace any medical advice.

Customer Reviews

Great taste and I really see a boost in my energy and mood when I drink this. It leaves me energized but not over the top and is a healthy alternative to energy drinks and coffee. This has a smooth green tea flavor but it’s not bitter like green tea. Highly recommend for many reasons !!!

5.0 out of 5 stars – Great Product for energy and memory
I purchased this product because AARP had an article on its benefits. I am pleased to say that I have much more energy and I can focus greater for approx. 6 hrs. after drinking it (1 tsp.) in my coffee in the morning. As far as the rest of the benefits I don’t know yet. I hope it does work on my good and bad cholesterol. I’ll find out in October when I have my labs done. The taste is nutty, and I ‘m not fond of it but for all the energy it gives me I’m willing to tolerate it. I had a stroke last year and this has really helped me remember things and stay on schedule. I will be purchasing this product again and again. Hope it helps others the way it has helped me.
5.0 out of 5 stars – I personally love this tea
I personally love this tea. I mix a little over a teaspoon into a 16.9 oz water bottle and drink twice a day, there are other ways to drink the tea. It’s a strong green tea, so it may take a little to get used to. But since I have been drinking this tea, my energy level has been amazing, not to mention how relaxed I feel, yet have more focus. Quite surprising.
Again I have already placed another order for this product.
5.0 out of 5 stars – Great way to start the day (and the new year!)
Great way to start the day. Taste great, easy to use. I had never used this before and was pleasantly surprised to find that I enjoy using this. I store in my freezer, and as instructed allow it to come to room temperature before making either a morning tea or adding it to my morning smoothie. It seems a bit expensive at first, but it actually is well worth it, and you only use a teaspoon a day, so it lasts for quite some time.

This is good. It has a pleasant flavor but is quite better. So a little bit goes a long way. It is much stronger than green tea in a bag, so make sure not to “overdose” and follow the instructions. I can’t comment on its effectiveness for weight loss, but tea is a great part of any fasting or detox diet. The denser body and bitterness of matcha does it rather ” filling ” too, so it can help you maintain a stricter diet.

I purchased this product because AARP had an Article on its benefits. I am pleased to say that I have much more energy and I can focus greater for approx, 6hrs after drinking it (1 tsp.) in my coffee in the morning. As far as the rest of the benefits I don’t know yet. I hope it does work on my good and bad cholesterol. I’ll find out in October when I have my labs done. The taste is nutty, and I’m not fond of it but for all the energy it gives me I’m willing to tolerate it. I had a stroke last year and this has really helped me remember things and stay on schedule. I will be purchasing this product again and again. Hope it helps others the way it has helped me.

Weight Loss For Men
Best Matcha Tea Powder Athlete Fat Burner Flow State Energy Mood Brain Food Memory, Focus Paleo Ketogenic Glycemic Diets Sports X-training Yoga MMA Antioxidants! + Superfood Organic Matcha Tea E-book Included!

More About The Product:

  • ULTIMATE MEGA BRAIN FOOD – INCREASE MEMORY, FOCUS & CONCENTRATION! The improved energy and performance from a serving of Matcha Green Tea can last up to 6 hours. Matcha is also recognized as a natural healthy mood enhancer that makes you feel great. It helps with focus & staying “in the zone” that wonderful place also interpreted as a flow state. Wonderful for yoga, studying and doing tedious projects. It will revolutionize your prayer and meditation practice too.
  • METABOLIC BOSTER MATCHA TEA POWDER: Helps Burn Calories. Helps build lean mass and burn fat. Support your weight loss goals in a natural organic way by increasing your body’s metabolic rate. Matcha green tea contains polyphenol EGCG, a thermogenic component thought to boost metabolism. Elite athletes love the way it enhances performance, skill, and concentration. No crash, addiction or negative side effects.
  • SUSTAINED ENERGY, POWER & CONFIDENCE -Boost your energy, vitality, and sense of power and drive with the slow release of natural energy from Organic Matcha. There is caffeine in Matcha, but it’s released slowly into the bloodstream, making it milder on the stomach, aids with digestion, cleansing, and healing. This makes it more effective and jitter free. MATCHA IS IDEAL FOR GLYCEMIC, PALEO AND KETOGENIC DIET FANS! It’s low calorie, low glycemic and loaded with high-quality nutrition.
  • IMPROVE SKIN, HAIR, AND NAILS, LOWERS CHOLESTEROL. It rejuvenates hair, skin, and nails. You can use the powder in any way you like. Drink it as a tea, put it in capsules and keep in your school and gym bag, Put it in smoothies, make lattes, bake with it and put it in frozen yogurt if you want. Your brain and body will feel the power.
  • 100% USDA ORGANIC, NON-GMO, GLUTEN FREE & PESTICIDE FREE – Best Matcha Tea Organically Grown and hand-picked in its native land of Japan. This premier Matcha is made using the whole leaf in its natural form. No fillers, no additives. Organic, Natural and bioavailable, just what your body needs. The magnificent green color is pure, the texture is silky smooth and the aroma is light.
Another amazing power of Matcha Green Tea is the ability to give you energy and endurance without the jitters like coffee. It can help with reducing stress, improving your immune system and is a great superfood source.
Now that you understand the dangers of having belly fat, you have a plan to get rid of it. Incorporate a healthy lifestyle by exercising, eating healthier, and adding the 10 foods mentioned in this article.
My love of a healthy lifestyle has never left me! Especially, when I learned what helped drop belly fat faster. It was matcha green tea. You can enjoy my tea any time of day. Start your Flat-Belly Plan today. Order here!


Victoria Johnson

Celebrity Trainer

Best Selling Author

Skincare & Supplement Designer

Weight Loss For Men

Weight Loss For Men

Weight Loss For Men