Cleansing Fast

Cleansing Fast
A cleansing fast can serve as an effective way to detoxify your body and clear out all the unwanted materials from your system.
Cleansing fast is one of the most popular detoxification techniques used by many people across the globe. Fasting is actually a process of avoiding consumption of any solid food while staying hydrated with plenty of water. This helps the body to get rid of toxins as well as other impurities and helps in balancing and restoring the overall health of the body. This type of diet has several other health benefits too! It not only helps in weight management but improves your complexion and makes your hair stronger and healthier. This fast can refer to cleansing of liver, kidney, or colon.
The presence of toxins and other impurities in your intestine can lead to several problems such as constipation, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and infections. Detoxification of the body by means of a cleansing fast can be an effective way to deal with the digestive issues. There are several detox diet plans, right from one day to a 7 day detox from which one can choose. Most people follow the 7 day cleanse, however, there are different ways to approach the diet plan. Some people follow the juice diet, which involves drinking only fresh squeezed fruit and/or vegetable juices, while others simply cut on processed foods, meat, and choose to eat only raw food. The basic idea behind this fast is to get rid of all the parasites in your system and clean it thoroughly to improve its functioning.
If you intend to go for a one day fast, there are several diets you can choose from. Most of these diets involve specially prepared juices or drinks containing nutritional herbs and vegetable extracts. Some of the commonly used cleanses include lemon juice cleanse, wheatgrass juice, and the cayenne pepper cleanse.
How to do it?
There are many different detoxification diets designed to remove the waste material from the body, out of which, ‘the master cleanse lemonade diet’ has gained a lot of popularity all over the world. Other examples of popular and effective cleansing diets include the apple, acai, and sea salt cleanse. First timers should begin with a one day program and then gradually increase the number of days.
Eat light foods such as green salads to prepare your body for the fast, and avoid eating heavy meals before you begin. The only solid foods you can eat during the fast are apples. Eat only organic apples for the first three days. Drink plenty of water along with the apples. You could also drink fresh apple juice. Avoid consuming caffeine containing drinks during the fast. It is very important to rest and relax. Avoid any strenuous physical activity. On the fourth day, take two tablespoons of olive oil. This helps in digestion. Now comes the time to prepare your body for breaking the fast. Drink orange juice in the morning and have a light meal of fruits and vegetables in the afternoon. You can have some light grains for dinner. You can resume your normal diet and exercise schedule from the fifth day.
Fasting detoxes your body and eases the discomfort caused by a wide range of ailments including headaches, constipation, neuritis, arthritis, and anemia.
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