How To Get Rid Of Acne

How To Get Rid Of Acne

5 Strange Foods That Clear Acne Almost Overnight

How To Get Rid Of Acne
Getting rid of acne can be very delicious! Find out how! Read on…

Hi Victoria,

I’m a med student and I started getting adult acne about 6 months into my internship. I’ve never had acne before. My skin is basically average I guess…not too oily or dry. I’ve never followed a structured skin care routine. I’m a basic soap and water girl. However, my skin is horrible now. My friend recommended me to your products because she saw such an improvement in her skin. I’m not into organic anything. What can I do to correct my skin? I want to learn more.


Cat (Catherine)

How To Get Rid Of Acne

Hi Cat!

Thank you for reaching out! I hear you, girl! I didn’t get into organic skincare until after years of a spending a huge amount of dollars on expensive skin care treatments to try to get rid of acne, uneven skin discoloration, dark circles under my eyes and more. My skin is very sensitive and some professional treatments just made it worse. One thing I know for sure is, once I started exploring organic skin care options I noticed a drastic improvement in my skin. This led me to research why my skin improved, thus resulting in my own skincare line. Here are a few things I recommend to get started in your quest for how to get rid of acne. The first thing is to include is an antioxidant. Research has proved antioxidants help improve acne at any age. The best antioxidant for skin is green tea! Yes! It seems very simple, yet it can be tricky. Drinking regular green tea can help your skin, but it’s the concentrated levels found in Matcha green tea that have proven substantial benefits. That’s because it’s 100x more potent. My organic Matcha Green Tea Powder is better than green tea in tea bags because you can make it into a drinkable tea, or add it to your favorite foods and beverages making it easy to incorporate it into your diet. Many of my clients, the celebrities I work with and the athletes I train love the results they get from Victoria’s Best Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder! 

In addition to drinking Matcha green tea powder, here are a few other ‘SUPER FOODS’ you can include to get amazingly, glowing, acne free skin.

How To Get Rid Of Acne

What is Acne?

Acne is a skin condition where the skin is inflamed. The signs if inflammation is an overabundance of sebum refuting in raised skin pustules called whiteheads, blackhead, pimples, and cystic lesions. Some show the signs by black pin like dots on your skin, white raised swelled skin, deep raised mountain looking type skin impressions.

What Causes Acne?

Acne is usually seen in people in their teen years. It is often related to an overabundance of oil secretion resulting in pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and other acne related skin problems. The medical field use to think it was related to diet, which it can be, however, there could be a correlation with acne and stress.

How To Get Rid Of Acne

What is the Best Diet of Acne?


5 Strange Foods That Clear Acne Almost Overnight

How To Get Rid Of Acne

  1. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

In your quest for eating healthy, you can overdo it in areas. For example, if you eat too many healthy carbs it will cause inflammation in your skin!  I know! Who would have known! Start with reducing omega 6 acids (found in wheat and grain) and increase omega 3 fatty acids found in fish. If you don’t like fish, take a supplement.

How To Get Rid Of Acne

2. Vitamin C

When people think of vitamin c they think of organ juice. They are basically right. But, orange juice has a lot of sugar and it’s not good in large quantities because they lift your insulin levels to a higher degree that can cause weight gain and put you at risk for diabetes. Increase vitamin ca naturally through a supplement or better, though low-glycemic fruits like berries, apples, pears, apricots, and melons like cantaloupe and honeydew.

How To Get Rid Of Acne

3. Dark Chocolate

Milk chocolate is so common most everyone enjoys it! It’s what your favorite hot-chocolate is made from, your favorite candy bar or ice cream. The positive to chocolate is that is natural and it beneficial to your overall health. Chocolate is originally dark, but in this state, it is bitter therefore not a popular food. The higher version is reduced by adding milk and sugar. However, in its natural form, it is a very POWERFUL antioxidant that can help reverse a lot of health conditions like arthritis and diabetes.

How To Get Rid Of Acne

4. Water

The reason why water is in this list of strange foods is that water is really a food or nutrient is the best description. You could not live without water. It helps every system in your body and without it, we can not exist. It poses as a liquid, but it is the only liquid every other liquid is made from. Without it you and me will die. You can actually live a long life on the water. Water helps to eliminate toxins from your body. A build-up of toxins including pathogens which causes disease is eliminated from the body through the release of water. How much water do you need daily? Physicians recommend at least 64 ounces of water daily. You may need more if you exercise or live in a very hot climate. 

How To Get Rid Of Acne

5. Green Tea

Green tea is almost a household word even though many people are not drinking it. Why? Because they don’t like it. It is green. It is bitter. It is not sweet. However, it is a powerful antioxidant that can help you lose weight, improve your overall health, improve your immune system, provide you with energy and help improve your energy, your skin, and more. In numerous studies, it has been proven that a form of green tea called Matcha can radically reverse many health and skin conditions. When added to foods and made correctly, it tastes very good and the health benefits outweigh taste 10 to 1. People in Japan love matcha green tea, so much so, that they add it to almost every food and include it in school lunches. 

How To Get Rid Of Acne

Green Matcha tea can not only help improve your health which in-turn improves your weight but can help you improve your acne which is amazing!  Drinking at least 1 cup of matcha tea a day can radically change your skin. That’s why so many of the fitness professionals, professional athletes, and models I work with love it. I designed a matcha tea powder formula using only organic, baby green tea leaves (they have the most potency) ground into a powder form so people can use it not only as a tea but so they can add it foods like they do in Japan. The professional fitness gurus I work with, models, and A-List celebrities love Victoria’s Best Japanese Green Matcha Green Tea Powder. 

How To Get Rid Of Acne

Matcha green tea helps improve your immune system which helps to kill pathogens that come to wreak havoc on your body and your health. When pathogens that cause acne are reduced within your gut, you will see clearer skin. The wonderful aspect of matcha green tea is you can use it in any food recipe.

How To Get Rid Of Acne

How can matcha green tea help acne? It helps by providing antioxidants which help neutralize the effects of toxins that cause acne in the first place. It helps to stimulate new skin cells along with increasing the rate in which they are replaced. There are so many health benefits to matcha green tea. Not only does it help with acne, but it can help improve energy levels.

Best Matcha Tea Powder Fat Burner Flow State Energy Mood Brain Food Memory, Focus Paleo Ketogenic Glycemic Diets Antioxidants Includes $19 Superfood Organic Matcha Tea E-book Free! 


How To Get Rid Of Acne

About the product
  • ULTIMATE MEGA BRAIN FOOD – INCREASE MEMORY, FOCUS & CONCENTRATION! The improved energy and performance from a serving of Matcha Green Tea can last up to 6 hours. Matcha is also recognized as a natural healthy mood enhancer that makes you feel great. It helps with focus & staying “in the zone” that wonderful place also interpreted as a flow state. Wonderful for yoga, studying and doing tedious projects. It will revolutionize your prayer and meditation practice too.
  • METABOLIC BOSTER MATCHA TEA POWDER: Helps Burn Calories. Helps build lean mass and burn fat. Support your weight loss goals in natural organic way by increasing your body’s metabolic rate. Matcha green tea contains polyphenol EGCG, a thermogenic component thought to boost metabolism. Elite athletes love the way it enhances performance, skill and concentration. No crash, addiction or negative side effects.
  • SUSTAINED ENERGY, POWER & CONFIDENCE -Boost your energy, vitality and sense of power and drive with the slow release of natural energy from Organic Matcha. There is caffeine in Matcha, but it’s released slowly into the bloodstream, making it milder on the stomach, aids with digestion, cleansing, and healing. This makes it more effective and jitter free. MATCHA IS IDEAL FOR GLYCEMIC, PALEO AND KETOGENIC DIET FANS! It’s low calorie, low glycemic and loaded with high quality nutrition.
  • IMPROVE SKIN, HAIR, AND NAILS, LOWERS CHOLESTEROL. It rejuvenates hair, skin and nails. You can use the powder any way you like. Drink it as a tea, put it in capsules and keep in your school and gym bag, Put it in smoothies, make lattes, bake with it and put it in frozen yogurt if you want. Your brain and body will feel the power.
  • 100% USDA ORGANIC, NON-GMO, GLUTEN FREE & PESTICIDE FREE – Best Matcha Tea Organically Grown and hand-picked in its native land of Japan. This premier Matcha is made using the whole leaf in its natural form. No fillers, no additives. Organic, Natural and bioavailable, just what your body needs. The magnificent green color is pure, the texture is silky smooth and the aroma is light.


    Includes Superfood E-book HOW TO DIY GUIDE gives you recipe ideas, how to use it, how to store it when to take it for maximum results and much more.


    • The Best-Kept Secret Of The Ages! Pure Superfood For Maximum Performance In Every Area Of Your Life.
    • Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder Is The Best New Brain Hack That Helps Improve Memory And Concentration.
    • Great For Working On Tasks, Projects, Studying, Test Taking And All Sports. Increases Endurance And Stamina.
    • A Must For All Athletes, Whether You Are An Olympian, Tri-Athletes, Footballer, Tennis Player, Runner, Bodybuilder, Fitness, Bikini Athlete, Model, And All Competitors.
    • Non-Jittery Like Coffee. Just Steady Energy That Makes You Feel Really Good. It’s Kind Of A Really Cool “I Got This” Kind Of Power.
    • Enhances Your Focus, Concentration So That You Can Stick To It Until It’s Done.
    • Low Calorie, Good Glycemic Great For Ketogenic And Paleo Diets. Silky Smooth And Rich In Vital Anti-Oxidants For Superior Health! Order Now!

    FDA Statement –These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat or replace any medical advice.

    Best Matcha Tea Powder Athlete Fat Burner Flow State Energy Mood Brain Food Memory, Focus Paleo Ketogenic Glycemic Diets Sports X-training Yoga MMA Antioxidants! + Superfood Organic Matcha Tea E-book Included!

If you have acne, this is one of the best solutions to include in your anti-acne regime! Get started today on better health, better energy, and better skin! Start today. Order your bag today!


Victoria Johnson

Celebrity Trainer

Best Selling Author

Skincare & Supplement Designer

How To Get Rid Of Acne


How To Get Rid Of Acne