PCOS Weight Loss Plan

PCOS Weight Loss Plan

10 Steps To Help Reverse PCOS


PCOS Weight Loss Plan

Hi Victoria,

I was just diagnosed with PCOS. It is my understanding that having PCOS makes it very difficult to lose weight. My doctor wants to do further testing to see if I have any other conditions that could be preventing me from losing weight. I’m writing to you today because I’m wanting to know if you could give me some advice on what I can do to lose weight with this condition. Have you worked with women with this disease before? If so, how did you get them to lose weight?



PCOS Weight Loss Plan

Hi Yolanda,

Thank you for emailing me with this question. PCOS is a very common condition and having it makes losing weight very challenging. However, if you get the right help from your doctor, you should be able to lose weight. Sometimes, over time, you may be able to reverse it. In this article, I will explain what a PCOS weight loss plan consists of and the steps to achieving weight loss success. You first need to understand what PCOS is and why it is a challenge to lose weight.

What is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormone imbalance condition that affects 1 out of 10 women. The symptoms include the following:

  1. No periods, spastic periods, or heavy periods
  2. Weight gain or trouble losing weight
  3. Acne
  4. Hair growing on the face
  5. Patches of dark thick skin

PCOS Weight Loss Plan

What Causes PCOS

No one is sure, but there seems to be a correlation similar to type 2 diabetes in that there is a high level of insulin in the blood system making cells insulin resistant. It’s defined as a hormone imbalance and many women that have it have an excess of the hormone testosterone. Having PCOS can make it almost impossible to lose weight. Insulin resistance is the main reason why losing weight is difficult. Another reason is due to reason to uncontrollable sugar cravings. Women with PCOS find it very hard to limit starchy carbohydrate consumption. 

PCOS Weight Loss Plan

What is the Body Type of A PCOS Woman?

The body type of a PCOS woman is endomorph body type. Women with this body type tend to have a medium to large frame women with the body shapely like an hourglass. If overweight, the hourglass figure is hidden due to excess body fat around the middle. A PCOS woman can be short or tall but the most important aspect to consider is getting help.

Here are is Your PCOS Weight Loss Plan

PCOS Weight Loss Plan

Step 1 – Who Can Help With PCOS

Your primary physician will not be able to run the exact tests to measure whether you have PCOS and be able to treat it effectively. It is recommended that you see an endocrinologist. Endocrinology is a medical science that focuses on the endocrine system which involves your hormones. An endocrinologist is a specialist in this area of health can best treat your symptoms. 


PCOS Weight Loss Plan

Step 2 – Medications

Many endocrinologists will recommend taking medication if necessary. Though many people do not want to take pharmaceutical medications, they are necessary in order to help balance your hormones. Once your hormones are balanced, you will find it easier to lose weight. 

PCOS Weight Loss Plan

Step 3 – Changing Your Diet: Eat To Your Body Type

The best diet for a woman with PCOS is a low-glycemic diet that balances protein, low-glycemic foods, a moderate amount starchy carbohydrates, and healthy fat.  This is often the OPPOSITE way many women with PCOS eat. There are many women who have tried everything and are choosing a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. This can be possible as long as there is enough protein consumption which can be accomplished through nutritious protein shake supplementation. 

Step 4 -Eat Lots of Protein 

You don’t have to overdo it on protein. But, protein will not raise your insulin, therefore if you want the best protein without increasing cholesterol you can eat chicken, fish, seafood, or protein supplements like whey or plant protein shakes. You will find that lifting your protein will help balance your energy, improve your mood, and will help balance your hormones.

PCOS Weight Loss Plan

Step 5 – Eat Low Glycemic Fruits And Vegetables

Eating low glycemic vegetables and fruit will help keep you full and will help you burn more fat. Low glycemic fruits are berries (strawberries, blueberries, etc.), peaches, grapefruit, pears, and apples. All green vegetables are low glycemic except for peas which have more sugar content. Green vegetables have plant chemicals that are so powerful when eaten they make us healthier and younger feeling and looking. Many people hate green vegetables or they think that eating a vegetable at dinner is enough. According to the RDA, we need 7-9 servings of green vegetables daily. Are you getting this much? You can increase your vegetable intake by adding them to protein shakes, eating a salad at each meal, and or taking a green powder supplement. Eating green raw vegetables like celery, peppers, and other veggies will help you lose excess water weight. They are full of water, so they help you stay hydrated and full making losing weight easier.

PCOS Weight Loss Plan

Step 6 – Drink Plenty Of Water

Water Is the Secret to health! Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily. Water helps to balance hormones, keeps your body fluids in balance thus helping your body stay in balance. Drinking water helps to eliminate toxins and helps to control hormone levels.

PCOS Weight Loss Plan

Step 7 – Cardio Exercise

The best exercise for most people with PCOS is cardio and lots of it! At least 1 hour daily! Don’t let excuses hold you back. Exercise will help correct the condition, give you energy, and help control your weight.

PCOS Weight Loss Plan

Step 8 – Don’t Forget To Stretch

Stretching helps to flush out toxins from the immune system and helps to elongate the body. It will help you look taller if you are short and more elegant if you are tall. Stretching is a part of fitness and very important. It is one of the main ways to clean out toxins in through the lymphatic system. This can prevent breast cancer.

PCOS Weight Loss Plan

9. Get A Body Fat Scale

A body fat composition scale will help you see if you are losing fat or lean muscle. It will show you if you are gaining or losing fat or gaining or losing lean mass. Don’t solely focus on one number. It is not an accurate measurement of your weight loss and health accomplishments. 

PCOS Weight Loss Plan

10. Drink Matcha Tea

Matcha green tea is like green tea on steroids! It is amazing and can help to improve your weight and your hormones by helping to burn fat, increase energy, improve mood and more. I recommend my Victoria’s Best Matcha Japanese Green Tea Powder because of the following reasons.

Best Matcha Tea Powder Fat Burner Flow State Energy Mood Brain Food Memory, Focus Paleo Ketogenic Glycemic Diets Antioxidants Includes $19 Superfood Organic Matcha Tea E-book Free!

About the product
PCOS Weight Loss Plan
  • ULTIMATE MEGA BRAIN FOOD – INCREASE MEMORY, FOCUS & CONCENTRATION! The improved energy and performance from a serving of Matcha Green Tea can last up to 6 hours. Matcha is also recognized as a natural healthy mood enhancer that makes you feel great. It helps with focus & staying “in the zone” that wonderful place also interpreted as a flow state. Wonderful for yoga, studying and doing tedious projects. It will revolutionize your prayer and meditation practice too.

PCOS Weight Loss Plan

  • METABOLIC BOSTER MATCHA TEA POWDER: Helps Burn Calories. Helps build lean mass and burn fat. Support your weight loss goals in a natural organic way by increasing your body’s metabolic rate. Matcha green tea contains polyphenol EGCG, a thermogenic component thought to boost metabolism. Elite athletes love the way it enhances performance, skill, and concentration. No crash, addiction or negative side effects.

PCOS Weight Loss Plan

  • SUSTAINED ENERGY, POWER & CONFIDENCE -Boost your energy, vitality, and sense of power and drive with the slow release of natural energy from Organic Matcha. There is caffeine in Matcha, but it’s released slowly into the bloodstream, making it milder on the stomach, aids with digestion, cleansing, and healing. This makes it more effective and jitter free. MATCHA IS IDEAL FOR GLYCEMIC, PALEO AND KETOGENIC DIET FANS! It’s low calorie, low glycemic and loaded with high-quality nutrition.

PCOS Weight Loss Plan


  • IMPROVE SKIN, HAIR, AND NAILS, LOWERS CHOLESTEROL. It rejuvenates hair, skin, and nails. You can use the powder any way you like. Drink it as a tea, put it in capsules and keep in your school and gym bag, Put it in smoothies, make lattes, bake with it and put it in frozen yogurt if you want. Your brain and body will feel the power.

PCOS Weight Loss Plan

  • 100% USDA ORGANIC, NON-GMO, GLUTEN FREE & PESTICIDE FREE – Best Matcha Tea Organically Grown and hand-picked in its native land of Japan. This premier Matcha is made using the whole leaf in its natural form. No fillers, no additives. Organic, Natural and bioavailable, just what your body needs. The magnificent green color is pure, the texture is silky smooth and the aroma is light.

Includes Superfood E-book HOW TO DIY GUIDE gives you recipe ideas, how to use it, how to store it when to take it for maximum results and much more.


  • The Best-Kept Secret Of The Ages! Pure Superfood For Maximum Performance In Every Area Of Your Life.
  • Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder Is The Best New Brain Hack That Helps Improve Memory And Concentration.
  • Great For Working On Tasks, Projects, Studying, Test Taking And All Sports. Increases Endurance And Stamina.
  • A Must For All Athletes, Whether You Are An Olympian, Tri-Athletes, Footballer, Tennis Player, Runner, Bodybuillder, Fitness, Bikini Athlete, Model, And All Competitors.
  • Non-Jittery Like Coffee. Just Steady Energy That Makes You Feel Really Good. It’s Kind Of A Really Cool “I Got This” Kind Of Power.
  • Enhances Your Focus, Concentration So That You Can Stick To It Until It’s Done.
  • Low Calorie, Good Glycemic Great For Ketogenic And Paleo Diets. Silky Smooth And Rich In Vital Anti-Oxidants For Superior Health! Order Now!

FDA Statement –These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat or replace any medical advice.

Best Matcha Tea Powder Athlete Fat Burner Flow State Energy Mood Brain Food Memory, Focus Paleo Ketogenic Glycemic Diets Sports X-training Yoga MMA Antioxidants! + Superfood Organic Matcha Tea E-book Included!

Victoria’s Body Shoppe Organic Herbal Teas

Welcome to my Tea Shoppe!
My passion for tea started when I was a little girl and I got my first tea set and tea table. The tea set was adorned with a gold and pink royal theme. I couldn’t wait to have my friends over so that I could host my first tea party. I got so impatient and just could not wait for real people so I dressed up my dolls and sat them at my new tea table and hosted a grand event. I must say the guests were impressed and loved it as much as I did. Yes, my passion for tea was born. I became so passionate about tea that I even grew my own in a backyard garden. That passion is what I cultivated and carried throughout my career in Health, Fitness, Beauty, and life.

On one of my book tours, the Ritz Carlton was my sponsor Hotel and every afternoon they have the most fabulous afternoon tea sessions. I must admit that my favorite was the lavishly decorated Palm Court at the Ritz in London. It was not only delicious, but it was also inspiring. I sat and wrote three new book outlines.

Traveling dancing, training, dieting and entrepreneurship were taking a toll on my body, energy, and immune system. I sometimes found it difficult to find all the necessary individual teas I needed to stay healthy, energetic and on top of my game. I found myself traveling with bags of tea, and if you end up at a not too friendly airport, it would be confiscated or worse, suspected as illicit drugs lol! I found the solution, add organic high-grade teas to my product line. I have Detox Tea, Probiotic Wellness Tea and A Global favorite, Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder. They’re always made fresh, no additives, no chemicals, no-gmo, and potent so that they work from the first cup to the last from a bag! I hope you find my teas as delightful, helpful and healthy as I and my millions of fans worldwide have.

Try a bag today!


Victoria Johnson

Celebrity Fitness Trainer

Best Selling Author

Skincare & Supplement Designer

PCOS Weight Loss Plan