Weight Loss For Teens

Weight Loss For Teens

10 Weight Loss And Exercise Tips To Help Your Team Lose Weight Fast!

Teen weight loss is easy when you have the right tools. Keep reading to find out how to help your teen get healthy, in a fast and easy.

Dear Victoria,

My daughter is 15 and she is struggling with her weight. Our pediatrician said she is 30 pounds overweight and it’s unhealthy for her to be this size. As a family, we try to eat healthily and it is a challenge due to our schedules. We eat out a lot and my time is spent dropping off the kids off to school, working 8-9 hours, then picking them up later in the evening from different afterschool programs. By the time I get home, its easier to eat fast food or foods already prepared. I know this is not healthy, but I’m not sure what to do. What things can you recommend in regards to weight loss for teens? What are the best tips and strategies that can help my daughter lose weight fast?



Weight Loss For Teens

Hi Becca,

Wow! I’m exhausted just hearing about your daily schedule! You certainly have a job on your hands. I was an overweight child and teen and I totally know how it feels for your daughter. My question to you is this: Are YOU overweight or obese? Usually, when parents have an overweight or obese child, one or more parents of the child is overweight or obese too. Therefore if this the case with you, don’t dismay. There’s an easy solution.  In addition, it requires a family lifestyle change. When thinking of losing weight fast, it’s best to make changes gradually because it will be easier to maintain. That’s why I love my Victoria’s Best Organic Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder!

Weight Loss For Teens
Add Matcha Green Tea Powder to smoothies to add that special ‘kick’ which can help burn fat, decrease appetite, help with school work focus and more!

What I have found, is that helping kids make healthy food choices is the first line of defense. To do this, I always suggest adding a smoothie to their diet. The traditional smoothies are made with tons of fruit and green veggies. But, this can cause more harm than good because, thought healthy, it is mostly sugar even though it is healthy. I suggest adding a little protein powder and some fruit along with my Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder! Yes! Just add a teaspoon to the smoothie. It helps curb appetite, helps with energy, and will help with your teen’s ability to focus at school without the sugar and caffeine rush from soda pop. When you order, you will receive an ebook from me with a healthy diet and recipes for creating amazing matcha tea foods. Your teen will love them!

In addition to adding Matcha Tea to their diet, just know that I’ve worked with many people who have kids and I will share with you more tips that have worked by giving you a few tips you can use right away to help your daughter or son,  and your entire family lose weight and get healthier. First, it’s important to know what causes teen obesity.

Weight Loss For Teens
A teen can be overweight or obese due to a variety of reasons; it can be very complex. Find out how you can help your child. Keep reading…

What Causes Teen Obesity? 

According to the AACAP (American Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry), 12.7 million or 17% of American children are either overweight or obese. The causes are somewhat complex because they are often a combination of several factors which include; poor eating habits, genetics, hormone imbalances, low self-esteem, inactivity, cultural beliefs, stressful events, past emotional trauma, just to name a few. The first thing to do is to look at the root causes and address them. You may need to seek professional counseling. Many parents are very busy and because of this, psychologist often ofter weekend and online appointments to make getting help more available.

Weight Loss For Teens
Weight loss for teens needs to be approached differently. If the focus is weight loss only, there is too much pressure. Make being healthy be the focus because being a healthy weight is the result of a change of diet and lifestyle. Read more…

Set Goals

The first thing to do is to come together as a family and set goals together for the purpose of helping everyone in the family get healthier. In this way, you are not singling out your child. Perhaps talk about the importance of health, watch an informative movie together about how important it is to be aware of how food affects our health. Usually, kids learn best through dramatic documentaries such as the movie, “Super Size Me”. Kids can relate to this movie because it involves the fast food industry and what kid can’t relate to that, right?  Begin with making simple changes like only eating fast food on the weekend, packing your lunch most days, and having the kids take more of an active role.

Weight Loss For Teens
Dieting is when you leave out total food groups and cut calories down very low in order to lose weight. This is extremely unhealthy, especially for teens. Weight loss for teens uses a different approach. Keep reading…

Don’t Diet

Dieting is the act of restricting certain foods, eating much less then you are used to eating, and counting calories severely. This can be very dangerous and is not healthy. Instead, work on making healthy lifestyle changes.

Weight Loss For Teens
Due to the lifestyle of many American families, teens do more sitting and less moving. If your teen is not active, help them to become active. Doing an activity they like will seem like fun, not torture.


Usually, if a child is overweight or obese it is because they are inactive. Perhaps your child may not like sports, but what other activities that involve movement do they like to do? I loved to dance. What helped me lose a lot of weight as a child was through dancing. I didn’t have a lot of money growing up, but the parent of a friend of mine paid for me and my friend to take dance lessons. Find out what is offered in your community and have your daughter connect with an activity she would love to do. Most young people love to be active, they just haven’t found the right activity that’s right for them.

Weight Loss For Teens
Eating more protein either through lean cuts of beef, chicken, fish, and eggs are a great way to lose weight faster. Eating more protein also helps teens stay full longer.

Eat More Protein

Protein is often missing from teen meals. They like carbs like cereal, bread, and lots of junk food. Try adding a protein smoothie to breakfast instead of cereal. Eat eggs and yogurt with fruit and if you have to add cereal, choose a high fiber type like Fiber One. It’s good to try to get 70-90 grams of protein in daily and the rule of thumb is about 25-30 grams of protein at each meal. Check food labels to make sure you are choosing higher protein choices. If your teen is active, they will need even more protein. Dairy, eggs, chicken, grass-fed beef, turkey, and fish are great sources of protein.

Weight Loss For Teens
Fruits and vegetables are key to losing body fat. If there is enough protein in the diet, and lots of fruits and veggies, teens can include some of their favorites and still enjoy weight loss. Keep reading on how to do this…

Eat Veggies and Fruits

Sometimes, teens that are overweight and obese don’t like vegetables very much. Corn is often a teen’s favorite vegetable, however, corn is a starchy vegetable and it’s the green leafy ones that are the best for overall health and for weight loss. Usually teens like at least 1 green vegetable and if they make it a habit to have fruits and veggies with every meal, they will become accustomed to eating them. An apple a day really doesn’t help keep the doctor away! Make it a game to find their favorite type of apple. Some kids like Pink Lady apples because they are sweet and taste like candy. Some like the sour varieties like Granny Smith. Eating small meals in addition to eating two to three snacks will keep them from binge eating and will help improve metabolism.

Weight Loss For Teens

Eat Healthier Versions of Junk Food

Burgers and fries, pizza, and other high calories high-fat meals are often teens favorite go-to meals. They can be made healthier by making them at home. Make burgers out of lean grass-fed beef or lean ground turkey. Use a whole grain bun instead of the white variety. Instead of deep-fried french fries, opt for the oven variety. They are just as yummy with 1/2 the calories.

Take A Multi-Vitamin

Some physicians don’t believe in vitamins, but our food supply is not as good as it uses to be years ago when farming techniques were used to keep nutrients in our foods. Now, with all the chemical additives and GMO varieties of fruits and vegetables, it is wise to take a multivitamin to make sure your teen is getting their nutrients.

Did you know that sugar cravings can be caused by a lack of magnesium in the diet? Salty food cravings are often a result of deficiencies in calcium and vitamin D. Teens who are overweight are low in vitamin D because excess fat zaps it from the body.

Weight Loss For Teens

Drink More Water

Most teens love soda and sugary drinks. They just cause weight gain and sugar cravings. When the protein is increased, hunger is almost eliminated, therefore, the need for soda will diminish. Alternatives to sugary sodas are carbonated drinks sweetened with stevia. They take some getting used to, but they are a great substitute. Adding fruit slices to water is a great way to get the natural sweetness of fruit without all the sugar that’s in soda. Just eliminating soda will have your teen dropping the pounds!

Weight Loss For Teens

Don’t Say NO To Everything

Moderation is key when it comes to losing weight for teens. Healthy popcorn while watching a movie is okay as long as they are not pigging out on an entire bag. Having healthier desserts are great too.

Weight Loss For Teens

Be A Role Model – Parents must be a role model. Kids eat what you eat.

In addition to making healthy changes, substituting junk food and sugary drinks for Matcha Green Tea may be a great idea. Here’s why.

Japanese Green Matcha Tea In Japan Schools

Japanese children teens benefit from the superfood of Matcha green tea. They use Matcha in almost everything. The concern that there is caffeine in Matcha green tea. But when you think about all the soda pop kids are drinking today; Mountain Dew, Coke, Dr. Pepper, and more, they are getting tons of caffeine already. According to the  American Academy of Pediatrics, they suggest children under the age of 12 should not consume anything with caffeine and that includes chocolate, but are kids staying away from chocolate?

The saving grace of Matcha Green Tea is that it has very low levels of caffeine and it is combined with L-Theanine and EGCG which is a natural antioxidant. So powerful, it can boost a teen immune system so they have fewer colds and flu.

Weight Loss For Teens
You can make so many tasty treats with matcha green tea! Cookies, healthy muffins, and ice cream! Yummy!

It helps as a fat burner for overweight and obese teens. Matcha green tea helps to relieve anxiety and improves memory.

The amazing thing about Matcha Green Tea powder is its 101+ uses in foods. You can add it to protein smoothies, make desserts with it, and other wonderful healthy yummy foods with it.

When teens are educated about WHY they need to eat healthy food and give examples, they will not have problems losing weight.

It’s ADULTS that have the hardest time because adults are less likely to want to change their habits and the habits they have created have been ingrained in their consciousness.

Japanese Matcha Green Tea is so amazing, that I decided to formulate my own brand with the finest most potent brand of organic Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder.

Best Matcha Tea Powder Fat Burner Flow State Energy Mood Brain Food Memory, Focus Paleo Ketogenic Glycemic Diets Antioxidants Includes $19 Superfood Organic Matcha Tea E-book Free! 

Weight Loss For Teens

About the product

  • *ULTIMATE MEGA BRAIN FOOD – INCREASE MEMORY, FOCUS & CONCENTRATION! The improved energy and performance from a serving of Matcha Green Tea can last up to 6 hours. Matcha is also recognized as a natural healthy mood enhancer that makes you feel great. It helps with focus & staying “in the zone” that wonderful place also interpreted as a flow state. Wonderful for yoga, studying and doing tedious projects. It will revolutionize your prayer and meditation practice too.
  • *METABOLIC BOSTER MATCHA TEA POWDER: Helps Burn Calories. Helps build lean mass and burn fat. Support your weight loss goals in the natural organic way by increasing your body’s metabolic rate. Matcha green tea contains polyphenol EGCG, a thermogenic component thought to boost metabolism. Elite athletes love the way it enhances performance, skill, and concentration. No crash, addiction or negative side effects.
  • *SUSTAINED ENERGY, POWER & CONFIDENCE -Boost your energy, vitality, and sense of power and drive with the slow release of natural energy from Organic Matcha. There is caffeine in Matcha, but it’s released slowly into the bloodstream, making it milder on the stomach, aids with digestion, cleansing, and healing. This makes it more effective and jitter free. MATCHA IS IDEAL FOR GLYCEMIC, PALEO AND KETOGENIC DIET FANS! It’s low calorie, low glycemic and loaded with high-quality nutrition.
  • *IMPROVE SKIN, HAIR, AND NAILS, LOWERS CHOLESTEROL. It rejuvenates hair, skin, and nails. You can use the powder any way you like. Drink it as a tea, put it in capsules and keep in your school and gym bag, Put it in smoothies, make lattes, bake with it and put it in frozen yogurt if you want. Your brain and body will feel the power.
  • *100% USDA ORGANIC, NON-GMO, GLUTEN FREE & PESTICIDE FREE – Best Matcha Tea Organically Grown and hand-picked in its native land of Japan. This premier Matcha is made using the whole leaf in its natural form. No fillers, no additives. Organic, Natural and bioavailable, just what your body needs. The magnificent green color is pure, the texture is silky smooth and the aroma is light.


Includes Superfood E-book HOW TO DIY GUIDE gives you recipe ideas, how to use it, how to store it when to take it for maximum results and much more.


  • The Best-Kept Secret Of The Ages! Pure Superfood For Maximum Performance In Every Area Of Your Life.
  • Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder Is The Best New Brain Hack That Helps Improve Memory And Concentration.
  • Great For Working On Tasks, Projects, Studying, Test Taking And All Sports. Increases Endurance And Stamina.
  • A Must For All Athletes, Whether You Are An Olympian, Tri-Athletes, Footballer, Tennis Player, Runner, Bodybuilder, Fitness, Bikini Athlete, Model, And All Competitors.
  • Non-Jittery Like Coffee. Just Steady Energy That Makes You Feel Really Good. It’s Kind Of A Really Cool “I Got This” Kind Of Power.
  • Enhances Your Focus, Concentration So That You Can Stick To It Until It’s Done.
  • Low Calorie, Good Glycemic Great For Ketogenic And Paleo Diets. Silky Smooth And Rich In Vital Anti-Oxidants For Superior Health! Order Now!
Weight Loss For Teens

FDA Statement –These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat or replace any medical advice.

Best Matcha Tea Powder Athlete Fat Burner Flow State Energy Mood Brain Food Memory, Focus Paleo Ketogenic Glycemic Diets Sports X-training Yoga MMA Antioxidants! + Superfood Organic Matcha Tea E-book Included!

Now, that you understand how weight loss for teens is different and is more about healthy eating, exercise, taking care of the emotional and physical needs of teens, start their healthy journey off with a bag of Victoria’s Best Matcha Tea – Organic Japanese Green Tea Powder. Buy a bag here!

Victoria’s Body Shoppe Organic Herbal Teas

Welcome to my Tea Shoppe!
My passion for tea started when I was a little girl and I got my first tea set and tea table. The tea set was adorned with a gold and pink royal theme. I couldn’t wait to have my friends over so that I could host my first tea party. I got so impatient and just could not wait for real people so I dressed up my dolls and sat them at my new tea table and hosted a grand event. I must say the guests were impressed and loved it as much as I did. Yes, my passion for tea was born. I became so passionate about tea that I even grew my own in a backyard garden. That passion is what I cultivated and carried throughout my career in Health, Fitness, Beauty, and life.

On one of my book tours, the Ritz Carlton was my sponsor Hotel and every afternoon they have the most fabulous afternoon tea sessions. I must admit that my favorite was the lavishly decorated Palm Court at the Ritz in London. It was not only delicious, but it was also inspiring. I sat and wrote three new book outlines.

Traveling dancing, training, dieting and entrepreneurship were taking a toll on my body, energy, and immune system. I sometimes found it difficult to find all the necessary individual teas I needed to stay healthy, energetic and on top of my game. I found myself traveling with bags of tea, and if you end up at a not too friendly airport, it would be confiscated or worse, suspected as illicit drugs lol! I found the solution, add organic high-grade teas to my product line. I have Detox Tea, Probiotic Wellness Tea and A Global favorite, Japanese Matcha Green Tea Powder. They’re always made fresh, no additives, no chemicals, non-GMO, and potent so that they work from the first cup to the last from a bag! I hope you find my teas as delightful, helpful and healthy as I and my millions of fans worldwide have.

Order your bag here!


Victoria Johnson

Celebrity Trainer

Best Selling Author

Skincare & Supplement Designer

Weight Loss For Teens