Water For Weight Loss & Beautiful Skin

Water For Weight Loss
Water For Weight Loss

Fantastic Health Benefits of Water for Weight Loss

Your body is made up of mostly water. You use water in your body for various processes like digestion, transport of nutrients, and to make up the volume of your blood. You create saliva and excrete urine all with the help of water. You also lose water through excretion: when you go to the bathroom and when you sweat.

Keeps You Moving & Detoxes Colon

Water helps your bowels function properly. It keeps things moving along and if you get dehydrated, you will become constipated. Your body loses huge amounts of water each day that must be replenished.

Besides drinking water, you can get water from your meals and snacks. Water is in every food, and in drinks like soda, tea, and coffee. You are thirsty even if you don’t feel thirsty yet.

When you start feeling thirsty it is too late, you are already getting dehydrated. You are continuously losing water through skin evaporation and in the vapor you exhale. Dehydration occurs when your water intake does not match your water output.

Sweat It Out

The weather also affects your water balance, if it is hot, you will sweat more. If you exercise, you sweat and exhale water more than normal. And that goes for your kids as well.

What can you do to keep hydrated and avoid complications related to becoming dehydrated? The answer is simply to drink more water. If you drink straight water, and not a beverage with stuff in the water, you will be giving your body the very thing it needs.

Bathes Your Liver & Kidneys

Water is able to be delivered straight into the bloodstream from your stomach. It does not have to be digested, like a beverage would, and then be filtered through your liver and released by your kidneys. Pure water is the quickest way to get water into your body so it can go to work where it is needed.

If you mouth and lips are dry, you need to drink some water. Another way to check if you are getting sufficient water in your diet is to check the color of your urine. After your first urine of the day, the rest should be clear or very pale yellow and odorless. If not, you need more water intake.

No matter what anyone says, 8-10 glasses of water a days a rule, especially in addition to alcoholic beverages we consume. If you work out or have a busy schedule, you may even need more. By keeping a bottle of water with you at all times and sipping from it throughout your day, you can keep on top of your bodily demands for water. You can keep your body detoxed and your skin purified preventing acne, premature aging and big pores.