Why SHOULD I Detox At All?

should I Detox
should I Detox

Why SHOULD I Detox At All?


A detox will cleanse your digestion system. After all the heavy food from winter, are you feeling bloated and gassy? Then your food is still lying around in your intestines fermenting.  It forms a plaque that sticks to the walls of your intestines and hardens. It prevents the colon from absorbing the digested food back into your body. It leaves you tired and steals your energy.

It is said that most people have upwards of 20 pounds or more of this fecal plaque in their intestines.  This is a great time to start fresh because we are naturally drawn to getting outside and moving our bodies!

Exercise, whether joining in a team sport or just working in your home garden will help to move your digestive system. All the twisting and turning will help break the plaque off your bowel walls and move it out.

Eating raw salads and fruits are just the thing to add the fiber that helps wipe the intestines clean. Many Americans are constipated and rely on laxatives to do the work of cleaning their bowels out. But laxatives only work on the colon. What you need is a good cleanse.

should I Detox
should I Detox

You need to clean out the whole digestive system with emphasis on the liver and gallbladder. You need also to help your sluggish circulation from the inactivity of a winter spent indoors.

Signs of a distressed Liver or clogged Gallbladder include headache, disturbed sleep, sinus problems, irritability or quick to anger, and fatigue.

The Master Cleanse is a popular detox for the liver. It is a juice cleanse and features lemons which alkalize your body. Livers react very well to lemon and lemonade type cleanses.

The cleanse drink is made from Lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water. Then there is a salt or Epsom salt drink and an herbal laxative tea that are part of the program.

The most popular way to do this cleanse is to buy a kit. Then just follow the directions that come with it. If you don’t buy a kit, you can assemble the cleanse yourself by following a website or a book.

If you really want to assemble all the ingredients on your own, you can; and some even tweak the cleanse once they’ve gone through it a few times.

Oh, yes, a cleanse is not one time and done, it can be seasonal or annual or when you feel a need for one.

But just be careful of some websites calling this a diet.

It is not meant to be a diet or to last for more than 10 days at the most. It is a cleansing ritual, nothing more. You cannot live on this as a way of life.

So help your body with a spring cleanse. A good spring detox is a ritual people have done for generations. In modern times we have many websites and ready-made products to buy that can help us.

But it has been done, naturally for ages, by the foods we are drawn to, by the feelings we have for renewal, change, new life, and nature.

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